To be or not to be, that is a question
Pandas Pandas
The objective is to calculate power spectrum for each frequencies and output data to excel files. First load packages: i
Tutorial for PyCharm Tutorial for PyCharm
Tutorial for PyCharmAlt Enter preview the warning and apply a quick fix. Ctrl Shift A is the shortcut of Find Action. Al
Cpp Learning Cpp Learning
OpenCVOpenCV is a good computer vision and machine learning library Environment: Windows 10; Visual Studio 2019; OpenCV
Tips for programming Tips for programming
PackagingAim:As we all know, Python scripts cannot be run on computer without Python installed. If there is a computer w
machine learning machine learning
Machine Learning for League of Legend mini-mapTechnical Details:General idea: Use node script to detect whenever the Mys
Backup blog source files Backup blog source files
Backup blog source filesFirst create a new branch under the github blog repository hexo, then git clone to local,take .g
Update for RSS subscription and music player Update for RSS subscription and music player
RSS subscription本主题中还使用到了 hexo-generator-feed 的 Hexo 插件来做 RSS,安装命令如下: npm install hexo-generator-feed --save 发现先前版本已经存在相
Update of theme Update of theme
Update of themeYesterday, I changed my blog from the jekyll version into hexo version. A new theme suddenly got me. Thus