Cpp Learning


OpenCV is a good computer vision and machine learning library

Environment: Windows 10; Visual Studio 2019; OpenCV 4.3.2

Version corresponding table

Visual Studio version Visual C++ version
VS 6.0 VC 6.0
VS 2013 VC 12
VS 2015 VC 14
VS 2017 VC 15
VS 2019 VC 16


  1. download and extract OpenCV files. https://opencv.org/releases/

  2. add the bin (here is D:\OpenCV\build\x64\vc15) folder into Path,

    for example:

    Environmental Variables

    Note: Select the folder corresponding to vc15

  3. There are 2 ways to config: one is for current project, another is for current user. Here we config for current project.

    1. right click Resource FilesAddNew Item to creat the main.cpp file

    2. Set the platform asx64 which is because OpenCV4.3.0 only supportx64

    3. right clickOpenCVPropertiesVC++ Directories

    4. Config include directories: edit include Directories,add directories D:\OpenCV\build\include and D:\OpenCV\build\include\opencv2


    5. Config library directories,add D:\OpenCV\build\x64\vc15\lib


    6. Go back to OpenCV Property Pages, clickLinkerInput,select Additional Dependencies,edit. Add opencv_world432d.lib from D:\OpenCV\build\x64\vc15\lib


    7. Apply or OK

For beginners

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《Cpp Learning》 by Lei Luo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License