Installing Jupyter lab
- If you haven’t already, install anaconda/miniconda
chmod +x
- Create a new environment
conda create -n CNN
- Activate the environment and install Jupyter lab
to restart the shell
conda activate CNN
pip install jupyterlab
Connecting to Jupyter Lab through an SSH tunnel
- Start an interactive session
srun -p gpu --pty -t 8:00:00 --mem=30GB --gres=gpu /bin/bash
Make a note of the node you’re connected to, e.g. erc-hpc-comp001
- Within this session, start Jupyter lab without the display on a specific port (here this is port 9998)
conda activate CNN
jupyter lab --no-browser --port=9998 --ip="*"
python -m notebook --no-browser --port=9998 --ip="*" # if the above line does not work
- Open a separate connection to CREATE that connects to the node where Jupyter Lab is running using the port you specified earlier. (Problems known with VScode terminal)
ssh -m hmac-sha2-512 -o ProxyCommand="ssh -m hmac-sha2-512 -W %h:%p" -L 9998:erc-hpc-comp031:9998
- k12345678 should be replaced with your username.
- erc-hpc-comp001 should be replaced with the name of node where Jupyter lab is running
- 9998 should be replaced with the port you specified when running Jupyter lab (using e.g.
) - authorize via
- Go to http://localhost:9998/lab (assuming you had specified port 9998 earlier, if not replace this with the port you used)