quick overviews (What you have done) avoid to use ‘I will’
key words
the key is structure
Background/introduction | 25% |
Method | 25% |
conclusion | 35% |
results | 15% |
give starting point, get the salient points across
be tailored to the level that you expect the audience have
most important part
short, relevant, specific and measurable
variable (can be in detail or succinctly depending on the projects)
outcome measure and how to measure (secondary one can be absence if there is a word limitation)
statistical method, how it is important
relevant values (like p-values; in correlation, like r value)
studied’ contribution
Take-home message
it is good to relate it back to the aim
no specific number
can add future direction
The previous research has stated that social cues could play an important role in one’s socioemotional regulation. In this study, the longitudinal associations between children and parents are verified to serve as a potential social buffer to adolescent behavioral and neurobiological regulation and ameliorate false alarms and brain activation toward affective cues.
51 adolescents with ages ranging between 31 and 35 months were classified into secure group and insecure group by a modified 17-minute Strange Situation procedure. We then analyzed the data of behaviour and fMRI from those adolescents when they were completing social go-nogo tasks, compared the conditions of presence of their parents and the adolescents alone without parents.
In false alarm test, appetitive group shows significant difference between secure and insecure. Aversive model indicates that secure adolescents alone have better behavioral regulation and with parental presence there are promotion in insecure adolescents’ regulation.
Findings show the presence of a parent promote regulation for insecure adolescents in aversive social contexts. Further supported by the reduction of hyperactivity in brain regions associated with socioemotional processing in the presence of a parent.